Ok. Javascript is not as simple as what many said it to be.
I appreciated that Codecademy laid the entire structure to be very clear. From essential Basics up to more advance concept like Object Oriented Programming. There were clear checkpoints to clear before we could move on to the next level of difficulty. That was nice.
Only problem is that, THERE WAS SO MUCH TO ABSORB. I did this over the past One and a half week. I took a short break in between and i FORGOT most of it. That is where i realise that to learn Javascript or i guess most other language, it had to be a consistent effort. A bit of revision here and there but never a long break in between.
Apart from finding time to complete this entire class, i found OOP especially tricky. I had to go back and revisit the course a couple of time and i also found referring to this website https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_objects.asp quite useful. At least as a form of revision because the content on there are laid out in bitesized format and with short examples that help me understand the concept.
I wonder if chatGPT will be able to guide me through this troubleshooting process better to be honest. My struggle is that i know what i am looking for but sometimes i forget the structure of writing it correctly. I shall update this journal accordingly if looking at a cheatsheet vs chatGPT yields different results in terms of accuracy and speed. But to be fair, i think the latter probably wins. But hey. All in the name of experimentation.
If only it was blocky like Micro:bit. But hey i guess i paid school fees to learn some proper proper coding.
This week we started with a simple exercise. Creating a Smiley.
I had a little bit too much fun making a smiley. Don’t judge it. I guess this was still rather straightforward and really the basis to more complex stuff that is to come.